Venus will reach its highest point in the sky in its 2025 evening apparition. It will be shining brightly at mag -4.4. This apparition will be reasonably placed and prominent, reaching a peak altitude of 43° above the horizon at sunset on 26 January 2025.
- Mars Occultation by Moon
On February 9, the 92%-illuminated Moon will be close to Mars (mag -0.8) in the sky. Observe them with the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars in the constellation Gemini.
- Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
The planet Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation of 18.2 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset.
- Total Lunar Eclipse
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout all of North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America.
This eclipse is not Visible from India